Mr. Shashikant Bagul is no more working in the office of the Pollution Control Committee.

Mr. Shashikant Bagul is no more working in the office of the Pollution Control Committee.
Thursday, September 22, 2022
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Dear all, 

The Member Secretary, Pollution Control Committee has issued a Notice on dated 07/09/2022 and informed that, Mr. Shashikant Bagul is no more working in the office of the Pollution Control Committee, DNH & DD. Hence, all are requested not to make any kind of official correspondence with him. 

Your association SIMA also appeals that, if any one visits to your factory premises/office, please ask for identity card for safer side. This is for your kind information. For more details, PLEASE CLICK HERE. 

Thanking You,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi
General Secretary

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