News related to Industry by Mr. Dilip Parmar

News related to Industry by Mr. Dilip Parmar
Thursday, October 9, 2014
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Dear Members,

We are forwarding herewith the information, which has been shared  by our Joint Secretary Mr. Dilip Parmar.

As the said information is very useful for the industrial sector, we are forwarding the information in the attachment herewith.

We are very much thankful to Mr. Dilip Parmar for sharing  the said information.

We request all the members that, if anybody is having any information which can be useful to our industries members, than in that case the members are requested to share the same with your association SIMA in the larger interest of our colleague industries.

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    

Narendra Trivedi 

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