Newspaper cutting appeared on dated 09.01.2019 in Times of India and Asli Azadi

Newspaper cutting appeared on dated 09.01.2019 in Times of India and Asli Azadi
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith newspaper cuttings appeared in Times of India Epaper dated 09.01.2019 and local newspaper Asli Azadi dated 09.01.2019.

Why reduced GST will prove costly for budget homebuyers: TOI, dated 09.01.19.  

As per the article, the government’s plan to reduce 12% GST on the housing to a flat 5% without extending the benefit of the input tax credit (ITC) to developers will increase the price of apartments for low and middle-income groups in most cities. Besides, it could dent the Centre’s housing for all policy as the landed cost for the buyer might increase. However, it would help high-value apartment sales in cities like Mumbai and Delhi. The toll will be more on the affordable housing segment, which enjoys a lower output tax rate of 8% and the benefit of ITC.

To read the full article, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Representatives of Federation of Industries Associations, Silvassa met Hon’ble Administrator, DD & DNH : Asli Azadi, 09.01.2019

As per the article, the representatives of FIA, Silvassa met Shri Prafulbhai Patel on 08.01.2019 at Secretariat and congratulate him for his successful completion of 2 years’ tenure in the UTs. The representatives also congratulate him on the historical development works in the UTs in the last two years.

To read the full article, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

This is for your kind information. 

Thanking you,
With regards, 
For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    
Narendra Trivedi 

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