Non renewal of PCC Consent

Non renewal of PCC Consent
Thursday, February 25, 2016
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Dear Industrial Colleagues,

Your association is in receipt of a letter from Member Secretary, Pollution Control Committee, DD & DNH, bearing letter No. PCC/DDD/Non consent/14-15  /1297, Dated -16/02/16. The scanned copy of the letter is enclosed herewith for your information.

Vide the said letter Member Secretary Pollution Control Committee, DD & DNH has informed that, many industrial units in the territory are operating without a valid consent from PCC. As you know the industrial units cannot  be operated without valid consent from PCC, which is the statutory requirements under the provisions of the Water Act and the Air Act. The PCC can also initiate the legal proceeding against such units operating without valid consent.

Pollution Control Committee, DD & DNH has issued notices to many such defaulting units, and along with the letter the PCC has also furnished the list of 109 units who have not obtained the valid consent. For the reference of our industrial colleagues, we have enclosed the list of such 109 units. So, all the colleague industries are requested to go through the list and if they have not renewed the  consent, then please visit the office of PCC and get their consent renewed . If any industrial unit has already wind up the operation and have closed the unit, may approach to PCC and get their consent cancelled.

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    

Narendra Trivedi, 

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