Notification for Public Holiday

Notification for Public Holiday
Friday, April 8, 2016
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Dear members,

Your association is in receipt of a notification no. ADM/GNL/19/Holiday/Part-II/2015/623 dated 06.04.2016, issued by Resident Deputy Collector, Administration of Dadra & Nagar Haveli. The scanned copy of the same is enclosed herewith.

In exercise of power conferred under section no 25 of the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 (26 of 1881), the Administrator, Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli has declared Thursday, the 14th April, 2016 as a Public Holiday for all Government Offices, Semi- Government Offices, Local Bodies, Industrial Estalishment, Public Sector undertaking and Commercial Banks in UT of Dadra and Nagar Haveli on account of Birthday of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.

This is for your information.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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