Order issued by Office of the Collector, DNH, Silvassa, U. T. Administration DNH & DD.

Order issued by Office of the Collector, DNH, Silvassa, U. T. Administration DNH & DD.
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
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Dear all, 

Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith an Order No. ADM/LAW/CORONAVIRUS/06/2020/955, dated 05/04/2021, issued by Office of the Collector, DNH, Silvassa, U. T. Administration of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu.

As per the order, as you all are aware that the number of active cases of Covid -19 has been rising continuously in the last few weeks in the neighbouring States of Gujarat and Maharashtra.

It is imperative that strict and intensified measures need to be undertaken with immediate effect in order to prevent and further contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the District of DNH.

Therefore, in the exercise of the powers conferred under section 144 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, Shri Sandeep Kumar Singh, IAS, District Magistrate, Dadra and Nagar Haveli hereby order that:

1.Any congregation of more than 05 people at public places with the exemption of activities allowed in the order quoted in the preamble above throughout the district is prohibited......TO VIEW THE ORDER PLEASE, CLICK HERE.

With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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