Petition No. 193 of 2016 for ARR 2016-17 filed by DNHPDCL before Honl. JERC

Petition No. 193 of 2016 for ARR 2016-17 filed by DNHPDCL before Honl. JERC
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
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Dear all,

DNHPDCL has filed Truing up for FY 2014-15, Review of FY 2015-16, ARR for Multi Year Tariff Determination for Control Period FY 2016-17 to FY 2018-19 and Tariff Revision Proposal for FY 2016-17.

This is to inform you that, Hon'ble Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for State of Goa and UTs has admitted the Truing up for FY 2014-15, Review of FY 2015-16, ARR for Multi Year Tariff Determination for Control Period FY 2016-17 to FY 2018-19 and Tariff Revision Proposal for FY 2016-17 under Petition No. 193/2016. And the said Petition No. 193/2016 shall be scheduled for public hearing in a very short time. The soft copy of the Petition No. 193/2016 filed by DNHPDCL before Hon'ble JERC is attached herewith.

So, all the colleague industries are requested to go through the Truing up for FY 2014-15, Review of FY 2015-16, ARR for Multi Year Tariff Determination for Control Period FY 2016-17 to FY 2018-19 And Tariff Revision Proposal for FY 2016-17 filed by DNHPDCL and submit your suggestions/objections/comments in respect of the said proposals and file the same in the office of Hon'ble JERC and also send a copy to your association, so that, all the suggestions/objections can be compile and a common representation can be filed by your associations.

Please treat this as Most Urgent as time is very short.

Thanking you,
​​With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi,

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