Precautions against Dengue

Precautions against Dengue
Friday, July 22, 2016
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith a Circular No. MS/VBCH/4586 dated 15/07/2016 issued by a Director of Medical and Health Services, Dadra and Nagar Haveli. The scanned copy of the circular is attached herewith.

Dengue fever is an outbreak prone viral disease and transmitted by Aedes Mosquitoes. It is characterized by Fever, Headache, Retro-orbital pain, muscle and joint pain, rash and bleeding tendencies. There are major factors through which dengue spreads i.e. through unplanned construction, not getting rid of or covering standing water. The only solution is to avoid such conditions to prevent mosquitoes breeding.

It has also been observed that there is a growing incidence of Dengue among Industrial workers which is due to breeding sites at work places and negligence about the Breeding sites. It is therefore requested to take following measures  to control Vector Borne Diseases like Malaria, Dengue, Chickungunya, Japanese Encephalitis and Filaria as below:

1.      Nominate a Nodal Officer in Factory who will ensure to implement the Vector control measures and report on monthly basis to SPO, NVBDCP on

2.      Weekly checks of Larval Habitats especially overhead tank, building terrace, ground water storage tank, Air coolers, Flowers and Ornamental pots, Junk materials in and around the campus.

3.      Ensure source elimination by

a.       Covering all water tanks with air tight lids.

b.      Drain the water at building terrace.

c.       Emptying, drying water containers, coolers, plants and flower pots at least once a week.

d.      Introducing Larvivorous fishes (Gambussa/guppy) in ornamental water tanks/gardens.

e.       Carrying out Indoor space spraying with Pyrethrum 2 %. The timing of the spray should coincide with the biting time of Aedes Aegypti Mosquito e.g. early morning or late afternoon.

f.       Maintain sanitation and remove all sources of stagnant water.

g.      Promoting personal protection measures like wearing protective clothing (full sleeve shirt & pants during day time)

h.      Putting tight fitting screens and nets on doors and windows.

i.        In addition, kindly notify fever cases (suspected/confirmed) to SPO, NVBDCP for appropriate case management and monitoring for control measures.

Hence and immediate action is highly appreciated and for any technical assistance, the contact person is Dr. S. Kumar, SPO, NVBDCP- 9427860168, e-mail Id: and

This is for your information and necessary action please.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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