Presentation on training for application procedure to obtain NOC from CGWA.
Dear all,
Your association SIMA is pleased to inform you that the Pollution Control Committee, Federation of Industries Association, Silvassa and Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) jointly organized an Interaction Session on 13 February 2019 on the procedure to obtain NOC to draw underground water for the domestic and industrial purpose.
Your association SIMA along with other colleague association extends a sincere thanks to everyone who made this session such a success and fruitful.
As per the presentation and information, it is the mandatory provision of law, every industry is bound to obtain the NOC from CGWA before 31st March 2019.
To view the presentation on training for application procedure to obtain NOC from CGWA PLEASE CLICK HERE.
This is for your kind information.
Thanking you,
With regards,
For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association
Narendra Trivedi
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