Press Note by the SMC regarding the single use thermocol/plastic articles.
Dear all,
Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith a Press Note No. SMC/CO/GNL / Media/2018/236/1271, dated 11/05/2022, issued by the Silvassa Municipal Council, UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu.
Vide the Press Note, it is informed that the Environment Control Committee (DNH&DD) circular no. As per PCC/DDD/PW (Part-IV)/2019-20/30, the plastic of less than 75 micron thickness is prohibited in the Silvassa Municipal Council area, and plastic of less than 120 micron thickness will be banned in the Silvassa area with effect from 31/12/2022.
Apart from this, all the following items are also prohibited as per the Solid Waste Management (Handling and Management) (Amendment), 2020. Its use and sale is a punishable offence.
1. Single use thermocol/plastic articles (plates, cups, glasses, bowls, forks, spoons, knives, stirrer and plastic straw) as well as cutlery made of multi-layered plastic.......For more details, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
Thanking You,
With regards,
For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association
Narendra Trivedi
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