Procedural issues faced by the industry

Procedural issues faced by the industry
Monday, July 24, 2017
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Dear all,

Your association is in receipt of a letter from Bombay Chambers of Commerce & Industry regarding suggestion on Procedural issues faced by industries. The soft copy of the letter is enclosed herewith for ready reference.

Bombay Chambers of Commerce & Industry is going to send a representation on the “Procedural issues faced by the industry” to the Commissioner of State Tax, Goods and Services Tax Department, Maharashtra. Hence, Bombay Chambers has requested to send our valuable suggestion in the format attached​ herewith by 27th July  2017, so that the complications can be sent to the concerned.

Colleague industries are hereby requested to send their suggestions as per attached format to the Bombay Chambers of Commerce & Industry.  

This is for your kind information.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi,

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