Public Hearing on Petition No. 195/2016 and Petition No. 193/2016 at Silvassa

Public Hearing on Petition No. 195/2016 and Petition No. 193/2016 at Silvassa
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
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Dear all, 

A Public Notice has been issued by Ms. Keerti Tiwari, Hon'ble Secretary, Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (For the State of Goa and UTs). The scanned copy of the said public notice is attached herewith. Vide the said notice, it is informed that, Electricity Department of UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli (Transmission Division) has filed a petition, vide petition No. 195/2016 for approval of ARR and Tariff for FY 2016-17 under section 61,62 and 64 of Electricity Act, 2003. The copy of the Petition No. 195/2016 is available on Commission's website

Hon'ble JERC has invited the suggestion/objections from the interested consumers on the above petition. So you are requested to file your suggestion/objections on the above petition in six copies in persons or through email/registered post on or before 19th February 2016 addressed to the Secretary, JERC (For Goa and UTs) with a copy to Executive Engineer, Electricity Department, Transmission Division, Silvassa. 

In continuation to our earlier email, Hon'ble JERC has issued another Public Notice on Petition No. 193/2016 which is filed by DNH Power Distribution Corporation Ltd for approval of Tariff Petition MYT (Control Period FY 2016-17 to FY 2018-19) under the JERC (Multi Year Distribution Tariff) Regulation, 2014 and amendments thereon. The scanned copy of the said public notice is attached herewith. The copy of the above petition is available on Commission's website 

Hon'ble JERC has invited the suggestion/objections from the interested consumers. So you are requested to file your suggestion/objections on the above petition in six copies in persons or through email/ registered post on or before 19th February 2016 addressed to the Secretary, JERC (For Goa and UTs) with a copy to Executive Engineer, DNHPDCL, Vidyut Bhawan, Opp. Secretariat, Silvassa. 

Your association is requested to all the Industrial consumers to file their suggestion/objections separately on Petition No. 195/2016 filed by Electricity Department (Transmission Division) and Petition No.193/2016 filed by DNH Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. 

The commission has scheduled a Public hearing on Petition No. 195/2016 filed by Electricity Department (Transmission Division) and Petition No.193/2016 filed by DNH Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. on 19/02/2015 at Silvassa. The venue of the above hearing will be informed in due course.  

Your association is also appeal all the industrial consumers to send a copy of your valuable suggestions/objections on the above two petitions to your association SIMA, so that all the objections/suggestions can be compiled and represented jointly. 

Thanking you,
With regards,  

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    

Narendra Trivedi,

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