Refund of Security Deposit, Bank Guarantee and Replacement of CTPT

Refund of Security Deposit, Bank Guarantee and Replacement of CTPT
Friday, October 31, 2014
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Dear All,
On feedback from some of our industrial colleagues, your Association SIMA has taken up the matter with Electricity Department, in respect of issue of refund of Security Deposit, Furnishing of Bank Guarantee and replacement of burnt CTPT in prescribed time limit.
In this regard a delegation of SIMA meet Honl. Secretary Power and submitted the representation to his honour. The copy of said representation is attached herewith for your information.  We are thankful to Honl. Secretary Power for the patience hearing and his honour has ensured that the issues shall be resolved at the earliest in the interest of consumers of DNHPDCL.
It is hereby once again requested that if any of Industrial colleagues has any problem, please fill free to bring to the notice of SIMA to enable SIMA to take up the matter at appropriate level.
Thanking you,
With regards,
For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,

Narendra Trivedi (Secretary)

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