Dear Industrial Colleagues,
As you know that all the HT Consumers have the obligation to install Rooftop Solar System of the capacity of 5% of their connected load.
On installation of Rooftop Solar, it brought to the notice of association that many industries are running their units in Lease Property (Rented), and it will be not workable to install the Solar System for 25 Years.
On these representations of colleague industries, SIMA request all such industries to address a Letter along with the Lease Deed to DNHPDCL, and sent a copy of the letter to your association SIMA for necessary action.
Your early action in the matter will be appreciated highly and to enable SIMA to find out the solution.
Thanking you,
With regards,
For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association
Narendra Trivedi
Other News by SIMA
- Mr. Chandrakant Parekh nominated as President for Industrial Cell of UT of DNH
- Free Eye Checkup Camp on 9th Nov 2014 at Grauer and Weil (India) Ltd.
- Inauguration of 66/11 KV, 1x15 MVA Sub Station at Velugam
- Notification in respect of Eco Sensetive Zone around Wildlife Century
- Invitation for registration on MSME Virtual Cluster Portal