Representation of Open Access

Representation of Open Access
Friday, March 4, 2016
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Dear Members,

As you are aware that SIMA has always raised its voice, against  any attempt of injustice, whereby interest and existence of industries in general may going to be adversely affected and SIMA has always represented against any such act, at highest level and before appropriate Authority.

Recently, In case of  Open access policy,  which has been proposed to be  introduced in DNH, and  whereby  the bulk consumers have proposed to procure their power requirement from open market through open access  mechanism, we would like to clarify the stand of SIMA as under.

Principally SIMA is not against the open access mechanism and we endorsed the right of bulk consumers to procure their power requirement through open access mechanism, but the reservation is only that, DNHPDCL should allow Open Access, without causing any financial burden on the thousands of other consumers, who are not opting open access.

Considering the above facts, SIMA has represented to Honl. JERC and to Honl. Administrator, D & NH with request to ensure that other  consumers are not victimised and the existence of other small consumers are secured. Find herewith attached representations on Open Access submitted to Honl. JERC and Honl. Administrator of Dadra & Nagar Haveli for your reference and information.

This entire exercise has not been undertaken to oppose the right of open access , but  to safeguard the interest of small consumers and to secure their existence.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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