Representation on various issues faced by industries to Honl.Collector DNH by Associations.

Representation on various issues faced by industries to Honl.Collector DNH by Associations.
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
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Dear all,

Federation of Industries Association, Silvassa and its constituent Associations SIMA, SIA & DNHIA submitted a representation to Hon'ble Collector and other Officials of the Administration of DNH & DD. 

Vide the said representation the FIA highlighted the various issues faced by the existing industries. We have also suggested framing a policy for the various incentives and schemes that can be adopted to attract new investment in these UTs to give a boost to industrialisation under "Aatmanirbhar Bharat" Mission. 

Hon'ble Collector, on the representation, fixed an interactive meeting on 21.09.2020 were representative of FIA were present.

Hon'ble Collector had tough brainstorming on each and every issue and with an intention to provide a conducive atmosphere for industrialisation, Hon'ble Collector, Resident Deputy Collector and other Officials discuss every issue with an open mind and positive attitude.

The approach of Hon'ble Collector was extremely positive and has responded with affirmative actions to be taken and has promised to reconvene meeting every month to sort out pending issues. He also agreed to have a brainstorming with various department and industrial representative at the time of framing the New Policy. 

His good self also assured that to provide "Ease of Doing Business" to trade and industries of UTs, if required necessary reforms in existing rules and regulation of the concerned department can also be undertaken. 

Some major issues addressed were Fire NOC, Monsoon Shed, New industrial Policy suggestions. 

At the end of meeting the issue of VAT demand notices for unverified C forms were taken up. 

Hon'ble VAT commissioner has clarified that looking to the difficulties faced by the industries, the said issue shall not be pursued by the department and advised to assesses to file an appeal with appropriate authority immediately and a fair view will be taken on it. 

The copy of the representation which was submitted in advance is attached herewith.


SIMA express its gratitude to Hon'ble Collector, Resident Deputy Collector and other Officials for such a positive and great attitude.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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