Representation regarding pathetic conditions of Roads between Athal Junction to Classic Marble...

Representation regarding pathetic conditions of Roads between Athal Junction to Classic Marble...
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA was in receipt of complaints from various industrial colleagues regarding pathetic conditions of Road between Athal Junction to Classic Marble, Sayli Canal Junction to Rakholi Junction.

In this regard your association SIMA took up the matter in Federation along with two other constituent associations. Accordingly, the said issue has been brought to the notice of competent authority under the banner of Federations of Industries Associations, Silvassa. The copy of the representation is enclosed herewith for your reference. 

To view the letter, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Thanking you,
With regards,

Narendra Trivedi,
Secretary, SIMA

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