Representation to recall energy Bills for the month of October

Representation to recall energy Bills for the month of October
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA along with the other two associations has submitted a representation about demand of additional charges on account of FPPCA for the year 2012 - 13, 2013 - 14, and 2014 – 15. The scanned copy of the representation is attached herewith.

In the energy bill for the month of October 2015, DNHPDCL has demanded additional charge on account of FPPCA for the year 2012 - 13, 2013 - 14, and 2014 - 15, without giving any ground and reason for such demand. It is established fact that any such demand or arrears can be recovered from the consumers only on approval of Hon’ble JERC.

Hence, the said demand by DNHPDCL is unjust, improper and which reflect the arbitrary and high handed functioning of DNHPDCL.

However, SIMA and other association of Dadra and Nagar Haveli have raised their voice against this arbitrary functioning of DNHPDCL and if require the Associations shall also take the legal course of action against such illegal recovery. But in mean time, all the colleague industries are requested, either not to make the payment of energy bill for the month of Oct 2015, and if payment are to be made, please remit the amount of the bill Under Protest, so that the excess payment can be demanded by us from DNHPDCL, if the said recovery is established as illegal by higher Authority.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,

Narendra Trivedi,

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