Role of Branding in enhancing competitive Growth for MSME Sector Link Of MSME Questionnaire.

Role of Branding in enhancing competitive Growth for MSME Sector Link Of MSME Questionnaire.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is pleased to inform you that the Department of Scientific Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology Commissioned AIMA to conduct a study on “Role of Branding in Enhancing Competitive Growth for MSME Sector”.

AIMA is entrusted to conduct a study on “Role of Branding in enhancing competitive growth for MSME Sector ”.The study emphasizes upon understanding the role of branding for MSME’s. It would also explore various branding strategies and its acceptability for MSME Sector.

So, all colleague industries are requested to give your valuable views by Clicking here   and filling up the questionnaire.

The questionnaire is only used for Research purpose.

This is for your kind information.

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    

Narendra Trivedi 


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