SAVE ENERGY Awareness Programme by DNHPDCL

SAVE ENERGY Awareness Programme by DNHPDCL
Thursday, February 11, 2016
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Dear all,
Your association is in receipt of a Public Notice No. DNHPDCL/140/ 2014/Part-I/592, dated 09/02/2016 from DNH Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. The scanned copy of the same is attached herewith.

Vide the said Public Notice, DNHPDCL has informed all the consumers that, the DNHPDCL has initiated SAVE ENERGY awareness program in association with Gujarat Energy Development Authority (GEDA) through the demo van URJA MITRA to propagate SAVE ENERGY campaign. The awareness programme is scheduled as under:-

Sl. No. Area Date
1 Power House Silvassa 15.02.2016
2 Dadra 16.02.2016
3 Piparia  17.02.2016
4 Masat  18.02.2016
5 Rakholi 19.02.2016
6 Khadoli and Khanvel 20.02.2016
7 Naroli 21.02.2016

All the colleague industries members and their employees are hereby requested to actively participate in the awareness program. The DNHPDCL shall park the demo van “URJA MITRA” at respective sub-station of the various villages on the respective date mentioned herein above, and the said demo Van shall display the awareness programme and shall propagate the “SAVE ENERGY” campaign. So all the industries colleague are requested to participate and make the campaign successful in the interest of Nation.

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    

Narendra Trivedi,

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