Scheme for Technology Acquisition and Development Fund (TADF) for MSMEs

Scheme for Technology Acquisition and Development Fund (TADF) for MSMEs
Thursday, January 14, 2016
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Dear all,

We are pleased to inform you that, your association SIMA is in receipt of a letter from General Manager, DIC, DNH, Silvassa vide letter No. DIC/5(353)/2016/47, dtd:12/01/2016. The scanned copy of the said letter is enclosed herewith.

Vide the said letter, it is informed to the industries of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and particularly MSMEs that, our Hon'ble Administrator, Dadra & Nagar Haveli is in receipt of D.O. No. 9/2/2015-MPS, dtd:30/11/2015 from Shri Shubhra Singh, I.A.S, Hon'ble Joint Secretary, Ministry of Commerce & Industry (Dept. of Industrial Policy and Promotion), New Delhi. The scanned copy of the said DO is also enclosed herewith for the information of MSMEs.

The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) has initiated implementation of a scheme on Technology Acquisition and Development Fund (TADF) for MSMEs which was formally launched by Hon'ble Minister of State (IC) for Commerce and Industry on 18th November 2015.

The Scheme is conceptualized to enable the MSMEs to acquire Clean, Green & Energy Efficient technologies through patent pool and licensing and reimbursement of direct patent acquisition cost. MSMEs will also be benefited under the Scheme as it envisages incentivizing production of equipment for controlling pollution, reducing energy consumption and for water conservation through interest and capital subsidies; as well as incentives for energy and environment audit, waste water treatment, rain water harvesting, renewable energy and Green Buildings.

The subsidy/incentives/financial support under the scheme will be available to those manufacturing units which are pre-registered with the appropriate government, and whose projects are sanctioned and operational prior to 31.01.2017.

DIPP has entrusted the task of implementation of the Scheme to Global Innovation and Technology Alliance (GITA), a joint venture Section 25 company and willing MSME units may visit the webpage at for detailed information and online filing of the application. A copy of  the brochure on this scheme is enclosed for your ready reference. The notification on the scheme on TADF is available at DIPP website.

So, all the MSMEs are hereby requested to go through the Scheme of Technology Acquisition & Development Fund (TADF). The detail of the scheme is mentioned in the brochures attached herewith.

For any assistance you can contact on TADF help line or can contact GITA at the Email ID and Telephone Numbers mentioned in the brochures. 

For any help you can contact your association SIMA.

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,     

Narendra Trivedi, 

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