Seeking Suggestions on Power supply issues and other related problems with Torrent Power Ltd.

Seeking Suggestions on Power supply issues and other related problems with Torrent Power Ltd.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
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Dear all

As the torrential rains continue to affect Silvassa for almost half of the year. The Federation of Industries Association, Silvassa, invites suggestions from its members on power-related issues faced by their member's industries.

The objective is to compile a comprehensive report highlighting the power problems faced by our member industries during and after monsoon season and discuss it with Torrent Power and relevant authorities to seek their attention and support in resolving these issues.

We request our members to share their experiences, challenges, and recommendations on the following:

a. Power outages and impact on production
b. Safety concerns and equipment damage Potential solutions
c. Anticipated power supply problems during road construction and probable solutions
d. Infrastructure issues faced by members.
e. Problem faced by members applying new connection/ power enhancement
f. Any other points members feel to draw the attention.

Please submit your suggestions by 27/01/2025 till 5:00 PM
via email

Your input will be valuable in helping us raise these critical issues and advocate for necessary measures to ensure uninterrupted power supply to our industries.

Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Thanking you,
With regards.

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association (SIMA) 

Narendra Trivedi,
General Secretary

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