Segregation of Domestic Waste

Segregation of Domestic Waste
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
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Dear all,

Today a meeting was called by Silvassa Municipal Council, wherein representatives of Industries, Hotels & public remained present.

The Medical Officer and Sanitary Inspector stressed to implement the Sawchhata Mission of Hon’ble Prime Minister in Silvassa Town in its true spirit.

It has been observed that, the quantum of solid waste generated in Silvassa town is very high and to dispose of such huge quantity of waste is very difficult. It is felt that from the said solid waste significant quantity of waste can be decomposed and can be used as manure.

So, Silvassa Municipal Council has requested to all the residents, industries, hoteliers of Silvassa Town to segregate the domestic waste in wet waste and dray waste in two separate dustbin to enable SMC to collect the waste separately and disposed off in scientific manner.   It has been assured by the SMC that, their vehicle shall move around the town and regularly collect the waste from designated places.  

So, all the residents, industries & hoteliers are hereby requested to segregate the domestic solid waste in aforesaid manner and  actively participate in this Swachh Bharat Mission to make Clean & Green Silvassa.

For any assistance and suggestions contact Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs through its official app Swachhata-MoHUA.

We are also forwarding herewith the brochures of Silvassa Municipal Council for your ready reference.

wet waste and dry waste

We are sure that, all the industrial colleagues shall come forward and help the SMC in this mission to make CLEAN & BEAUTIFUL SILVASSA.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association, 

Narendra Trivedi,

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