Since GST rollout in July 2017, Rs 45,682.83 crore fraud detected - The Indian Express

Since GST rollout in July 2017, Rs 45,682.83 crore fraud detected - The Indian Express
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
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Dear all,

Your association is forwarding herewith an newspaper article published in Indian Express on dated 17/07/2019.

As per Article The Indian Express published regarding fraud dectected amount of Rs. 45,682.83 Crore since GST rollout in July 2017. A total of 9385 cases of tax froud involving amount of Rs. 45,682.83 Crore has been detected by Tax Authorities under Goods and Services Tax (GST). Out of this, 1593 tax fraud cases involving an amount of Rs. 6520.40 Crore have been detected in April – June, the first three months of this financial year.

In 2018-19, 1,620 cases of fake invoicing were detected involving Rs 11,251.23 crore, and 154 persons were arrested. Between April-June of 2019-20, 666 cases of fake invoicing were detected and the amount involved stood at Rs 2,804.98 crore. A total of 41 persons were arrested.

So, all the colleague members are hereby requested to be vigilant and verify the correctness of GST number of the suppliers and ensure that the invoice is not fake.

Please CLICK HERE to download the Article.

This is for your kind information.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,

Narendra Trivedi,

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