Skill Development Programme on Machine Shop practice

Skill Development Programme on Machine Shop practice
Saturday, April 8, 2017
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Dear all,

Your Association is in receipt of a letter from Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Govt. of India, MSME Development Institute, Silvassa, DNH, Ref No. SLV/Machinery/29/2016-17/125 on dtd 24.03.2017 in respect of Skill Development Programme on Machine Shop practice. The scanned copy of the letter is attached herewith for your ready reference.

Vide this said letter it has been informed that every year Branch MSME DI, Silvassa conducts two batches of Skill Development Programmes on Machine Shop Practice having six months course duration of each course. The main objective of this Programme is to provide skilled man power to the SMEs of this area.

The first batch of the said Programme will start from 01.04.2017 to 30.09.2017. To know more about the basics, course contents of the Programme kindly go through the attachment.

So all the colleague industries are hereby requested to share this message within their employees and sponsor more and more candidates to avail the benefits of the mentioned course, which shall beneficial in skill development of the employees as well as helpful in producing good quality products.

This is for your kind information.   

Thanking you,
With regards, 
For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    
Narendra Trivedi 

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