Solar Power Compliance.

Solar Power Compliance.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith a circular received from Federation of Industries Association (FIA). The copy is enclosed herewith for your information.

That many of our industrial colleague have already initiated the work of Rooftop Solar Plant through approved supplier. It has been brought to the notice of your association SIMA that, due to the Corona Virus, the material is not coming from China and hence their project will get delay due to non-availability of the components. You are requested to submit the details, to your association SIMA, incase the installation of Rooftop Solar Project will be delayed, due to the reasons, which are beyond the control of your supplier. You are requested to obtain the necessary evidence from the supplier to prove the genuineness of the reason.

To view the circular of FIA PLEASE CLICK HERE.

On receiving the details from your end your association SIMA and Federation of Industries Association (FIA) shall take up the matter with appropriate authorities.

Thanking you,
With Regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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