Strengthening of Food Processing Sector

Strengthening of Food Processing Sector
Thursday, December 11, 2014
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Dear All

We are enclosing herewith the letter received from GM, (DIC) DNH in respect of Strengthening of Food Processing Sector. The scanned copy of the same letter no. DIC/25(187)/2012/Part II/ 1482 dtd 03.12.2014 is enclosed herewith. Along with this the performance of National Institute of Food Technologies Entrepreneurship and Management i.e. NIFTEM. is also enclosed.

The NIFTEM has been setup by Government of India on persistent demand of the food industry to have an apex body as a “One Stop Solution Provider”.

So, any of the fellow industries who are in food processing sector. or any Entrepreneurs who are interested in setup the Food Processing Industry can contact  GM, (DIC) DNH  or NIFTEM on its website

Thanking you,

With regards,


For Silvassa Industries and Manufactures Association

Narendra Trivedi


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