Suggestions on the issue of project finance and to address the various issues faced by MSME.

Suggestions on the issue of project finance and to address the various issues faced by MSME.
Friday, January 25, 2019
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Dear All,

Your association SIMA is in receipt of mail from FICCI-CMSME As you are aware, Reserve Bank of India has constituted an "Expert Committee on MSME"  under the chairmanship of Shri U K Sinha, to suggest long term solutions for the growth of MSME sector. In this regard, Committee has sought suggestions from the representatives of MSME across the country. The copy of the format is enclosed herewith.

So it is hereby requested to MSME units of Dadra & Nagar Haveli to forward their suggestions/issues pertaining to the MSME sector in the prescribed format latest by January 29, 2019, to and a copy to your association SIMA. This will help your association SIMA  to compile the suggestions and information received from your end and forward it to FICCI for necessary action.

Your association would like to inform you that FICCI has initiated a Survey on MSME Finance. It has been observed that the key hurdles faced by MSMEs in India have been accessing to finance at an affordable cost. So FICCI has initiated this survey to understand the on-ground and practical issues and challenges faced by micro, small and medium entrepreneurs in accessing adequate finance for their growth and sustainability.

So it has been decided that to understand the hardship of MSME in obtaining the project finance at an affordable cost, feedback is sought from MSME in the prescribed form of questionnaires attached herewith.

Your views are important for your association SIMA and FICCI. Therefore we look forward for your inputs and Independent views. Your feedback will be kept highly confidential and will be used only for survey analysis. The survey findings will enable us to make appropriate policy recommendations that will be shared with FICCI  for suitable action.

The filled in a questionnaire may be sent to your association and to Mr Sumitra Nandan Srivastava at or 

Latest by January 28, 2019.


This is for your kind information.


Thanking you,

With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association 

Narendra Trivedi


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