Suggestions to DNHPDCL for Rooftop Solar System.

Suggestions to DNHPDCL for Rooftop Solar System.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
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Dear All,

The Administration and DNHPDCL had issued a Circular by which all the HT & EHT Consumers must put in Solar Rooftop System to give a push to Renewable Energy. They directed the Consumers to put the Solar Rooftop System mandatorily in the prescribed time limit.   

Regarding the said subject your association SIMA received the feedbacks from its members and Colleague Industries and the various issues faced by the consumers have brought to the notice of SIMA. On the representation of Colleague Members, SIMA addressed a letter to MD, DNHPDCL and highlighted the issues faced by consumers in Installation of Solar Rooftop.

We enclosed the copy of Letter addressed to DNHPDCL for your information.

To view the Letter PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Thanking you,
With Regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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