Thanks for participation in get together

Thanks for participation in get together
Monday, September 21, 2015
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Dear Members,

I, convey my sincere thanks to​ all​ the members of our association SIMA, who attended the “Get together followed by Dinner Party” on 15th September 2015 at Pluz Resort. I convey my appreciation to all the members present there for their active participation.​

We hope that, all the present members must have enjoyed the party and by this way only we all industries colleagues can come together and can share our experience.

In future also, we are sure that, the members of SIMA shall take part in such activities and gathering of our association and by which we shall show our unity and solidarity.

By our unity, we shall be able to share the problems faced by us and can resolve it by representing before appropriate authority.

At this juncture, I convey my sincere thanks to Shri Dilipsinh Parmar for the sponsoring such grand event and I am sure that many other members shall also follow him by which the bonding among the members shall be enhanced.

We once again thank you all and we are sure that you shall  continue to give your suggestion and feedback  to our association for enhance the performance of SIMA.

To view the photographs of the event, PLEASE CLICK HERE. 

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    

Narendra Trivedi, 

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