The OIDC has developed an online Web Portal SURAKSHA SETU and OIDC PARIVAHAN SUVIDHA.

The OIDC has developed an online Web Portal SURAKSHA SETU and OIDC PARIVAHAN SUVIDHA.
Saturday, September 5, 2020
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Dear all,

This is to inform you that, The Omnibus Industrial Development Corporation of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Ltd. (OIDC) has developed an online Web Portal "SURAKSHA SETU" (www.oidcsurakshasetu.comin order to facilitate and streamline the process of providing private security services within the U.T and to ensure “Ease of Doing Business” within the jurisdiction of the U.T of DNH & DD.

For any query please contact- Shri Ashu Yadav: 8140413639 is available in Silvassa at OIDC Residential complex near Collector's Bungalow Silvassa Naroli Road, So for any help in respect of "Suraksha Setu" portal, the industries may contact him at Silvassa only. For any other help, you may contact Shyam Mandekar: 9879086678 & Piyush Tandel: 9879598386.

OIDC has also developed another online Web Portal "OIDC PARIVAHAN SUVIDHA” ( and a Mobile Application namely "PARIVAHAN SUVIDHA" in order to facilitate and streamline the process of Transport Service within the U.T and to ensure “Ease of Doing Business” within the jurisdiction of the U.T of DNH & DD.

For any query please contact- Shri Ashu Yadav: 8140413639 is available in Silvassa at OIDC Residential complex near Collector's Bungalow Silvassa Naroli Road, So for any help in respect of " Parivahan Suvidha" portal, the industries may contact him at Silvassa only. For any other help, you may contact Ramesh Agaria: 9879019136, Bhavesh Pandya: 9909136836. 

For Technical help, you may contact Mr. Boni: 7435966855.

It has been informed that Both these "Suraksha Setu" and "Parivahan Suvidha" are free of cost.


Thanking You,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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