To give advertisement of your firm/products

To give advertisement of your firm/products
Monday, April 13, 2015
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Dear all,

The DANICS OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION is organizing a Seminar at India International Centre, Delhi, on subject "Is an entrenched hierarchy the bane of a generalist bureaucracy".

On the occasion, the DANICS OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION intend to publish a Souvenir, which will include articles covering various dimensions of the above theme written by many experience and distinguished intellectuals from all over the country. The DANICS OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION has appeal to your association SIMA to extend our cooperation by giving an advertisement of the company and/or products manufacture by the industries of Dadra & Nagar Haveli.

The advertisement will provide our business or organization with exposure to the souvenir magazine readers and their families and friends. The souvenirs shall also provide an opportunity to reach out a section of Political and Administrative class who are instrumental in organizing various government events and program.

The copy of the appeal letter and registration form is enclosed herewith. So you all are requested to extend your cooperation to their association by giving and advertisement in the souvenir. The rate of advertisement is mentioned in the appeal letter. The cheque may be drawn in the name of “DANICS OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION", Punjab & Sindh Bank Delhi A/c No. 06901000400197. For any assistant you may contact your association SIMA on 7600758821 to Ms. Jinal Patel.

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    

Narendra Trivedi 

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