To protest against unjustified recovery by DNHPDCL in form of FPPCA

To protest against unjustified recovery by DNHPDCL in form of FPPCA
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
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Dear all,

As the DNH PDCL without seeking a justified formula to shield the medium and small scale industries from the burden of minimum charges, has granted NOC to Open Access Consumers by which the small scale and medium scale industries have been compelled to pay Rs 1.30 to Rs 1.37 per unit as FPPCA in the bills for the month of Oct 16 to Dec 16, because of open access consumers (Large Industries) have procured their power requirement at cheaper rate from open market from May 2016 till date.

This mechanism of open access adopted by DNHPDCL is snatching away our's and our workers Livelihood.

Every month, we small consumers have to shell out Rs 25 cr which is the loss caused due to open access consumers (Large Industries). Due to this favor to large industries in form of open access, our electricity bills have increased by 25% to 30% that has raised the question of our survival. For this all the three Industries association under the banner of Federation Industries Association, Silvassa has decided to submit a representation to Hon'ble Administrator registering our protest against the mechanism adopted by DNHPDCL in granting NOC to Open Access Consumers and passing unjustified burden on small and medium industries. For this your association hereby request all the colleague industries to sign the representation which is attached herewith along with company address stamp and also obtain signatures of your nearby industries colleagues.

You are requested to send the duly stamped and signed representation in original and five xerox copies to your association SIMA within five days to enable your association SIMA to compile and forward to  the various appropriate authorities including Hon'ble JERC.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association, 

Narendra Trivedi, 

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