Transfer&Posting of the Officers in Administration of DD & DNH

Transfer&Posting of the Officers in Administration of DD & DNH
Friday, November 28, 2014
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Dear all,

The Administration of Daman&Diu and Dadra &Nagar Haveli has issued an order on dtd: 25/11/2014 under which has approved the Transfer&Posting of the Officers. The scanned copy of the said order is enclosed herewith.

In this order, it is hereby mentioned that:
(1) Shri Kishore J.Bamania Joint Secretary (Finance) DD shall hold  the additional charge to Joint Commissioner(VAT).
(2) Shri Nitin Jindal DANICS Chief Officer SMC, shall hold the additional charge Deputy Director (Tourism)DD&DNH.
(3)Shri P.S.Jani, JAG-II DANCIS, Additional Secretary (Personnel) DNH, shall hold the additional charges Additional Secretary –Cum Additional Director (IT)DNH.


Orders have been issued by the Administration of Dadra & Nagar Haveli.Vide said orders the allocation of various posts in various Departments of  Rural Development to Extension officers have been changed, additional charges have been also allocated along with existing charge with effect from the date of issue of order. 

The Scanned copies of the said orders are enclosed herewith. 

This is for your kind information.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi


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