Wearing Face Mask is compulsory.

Wearing Face Mask is compulsory.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
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Dear all,

All Industries Colleagues are aware that, recently State Disaster Management Authority, UT Administration of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu has issued an Order No. DMHS/COVID-19/2020/828 dated 20.11.2020 regarding wearing face masks in public and workplaces. Any person found without wearing a mask in public/workplace shall be levied a fine of Rs. 500/- instantly by the authority.

All the colleague industries have passed through a very difficult situation due to the pandemic COVID-19. After a long time, recently we are running our business with full capacity. 

Also, you are aware that in the last few weeks the number of Covid-19 cases has been increasing in various states. Some of the States have started night curfew, diagnosis at borders, temporary shutdown of markets, etc. In comparison to other states, we are now on the safer side and having minimal cases. But negligence in safety precaution may increase the numbers of Covid Cases in the territory again.

Therefore, your association SIMA appeals to all the colleague industrialists and their employees/workers to take various measures to contain the further spread of Covid-19 cases. All the factory/industry management should ensure that Wearing Mask, Social Distancing and Sanitizing are followed by all the employees/workers compulsorily.

We hope all our colleagues will take the note seriously and shall follow all the precautions to avoid spreading Covid.

Wear Mask, Stay Safe // Maintain Social Distancing // Wash/Sanitize Hand Frequently 


Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association   

Narendra Trivedi

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