Webinar on Apprenticeship - The Best way forward to hire workforce on 18th July 2020 (Saturday).

Webinar on Apprenticeship - The Best way forward to hire workforce on 18th July 2020 (Saturday).
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is pleased to inform you that Yuvashakti Foundation (YSF) in coordination with FIA and its constituent association DNHIA, SIA and SIMA organising a webinar on “Apprenticeship – The Best way forward to hire workforce “in support with NSDC - National Skill Development Corporation on Saturday, 18th July 2020.

The workshop details are as under:

Day & Date    : Saturday, 18th July 2020.
Time               : 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm

This interactive session will cover:

1. The Apprenticeship Model to bridge the gap of manpower.
2. Government support to industries by providing stipend subsidies.
3. Role and Support by Third Party Aggregator.
4. Ease of Online Documentation and reimbursements to the industries.

As you are aware, compliance of the apprentice act is mandatory to all establishments. Your participation is welcomed. The Link for the Webinar will be shared on 17th Jul 2020.


So, all the colleague industries are requested to participate in the workshop on a given date & time.

For any query please contact Mr Vinesh More at 9673194844 / 9898817790.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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