Workshop on Maintenance Aspects of Sub-Station Equipment

Workshop on Maintenance Aspects of Sub-Station Equipment
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
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Dear all, 

Your association is in receipt of letter No-1-1(181)/PDCL-AE(Comml)/2015/689, dtd-25/02/2015 from Executive Engineer,  DNH Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. The scanned copy of the same is enclosed herewith. 

Vide the said letter, it is informed that, NTPC shall held a workshop on "Maintenance Aspects of Sub-Station Equipment" at Damanganga Valley Resorts, Silvassa on 27.02.2015 at 10 A.M. 

So, all the Electrical consumers having supply at 66 KV/220 KV are requested to nominate their technical personnel to attend the said workshop on 27.02.2015. 

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,

Narendra Trivedi,

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