Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers News Updates
Notification issued by Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India
Thursday, March 22, 2018|
Dear all, Your association is forwarding herewith a Notification issued by Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India, New Delhi vide Notification No. GSR 235(E) dated 16/03/2018. In exercise of the powers conferre
Trade Notice No. 03 of 2018 dated 21.03.2018 issued by Honl. Commissioner, CGST, Daman
Wednesday, March 21, 2018|
Dear all, Your association is in receipt of a Trade Notice No. 03/2018 dated 21.03.2018 issued by Ms. Reshma Lakhani, Hon’ble Commissioner, Central GST Commissionerate, Daman. The scanned copy of t
Free Medical and Eye Checkup Camp on 25.03.2018 at Next Polymers Ltd, Velugam
Tuesday, March 20, 2018|
Dear all, We are pleased to inform you that, one of our member M/s Next Polymer Ltd is going to organize a Free Medical & Eye Check-up Camp in coordination with your association Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers A
Transfer of DANICS officers from DD and DNH
Monday, March 19, 2018|
Dear all, We are forwarding herewith an order issued by Ministry of Affairs, (UT Division), Government of India, New Delhi, vide Order No. 14020/1/2018-UTS-II, dated 17/03/2018. Vide the order, the following DANICS office
M/s OYSTER INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. joined SIMA as new member
Friday, March 16, 2018|
Dear members, I am pleased to inform that, OYSTER INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. Sr. No. 290/1, Near Sugar Factory, Village Surangi, U. T. Of D&NH -396280 Cell No. 9974427106/9574004011 Email: info@oysterindu
Training Programme by PCC, DD and DNH to initiate Consent & Authorization Management through OCMMS
Friday, March 16, 2018|
Dear all, Your association is in receipt of a letter dated 13/03/2018 issued by Member Secretary, Pollution Control Committee, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli. The scanned copy of the letter is enclosed herewith