Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers News Updates
Presentation on review of precautionary measures for the cyclone in the Arabian Sea.
Monday, May 17, 2021|
Dear all, Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith a Presentation on review of precautionary measures and preparedness for the impending cyclone in the Arabian Sea, by UT Administration of Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Public Notice is issued by Honl. Secretary, Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission
Saturday, May 15, 2021|
Dear all, A Public Notice is issued by Hon’ble Secretary, Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (For the State of Goa and Union Territories) Gurgaon (Haryana) dated: 12/05/2021. Vide the Public No
Letter by Employees Provident Fund Organization, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India.
Saturday, May 15, 2021|
Dear all, Your association SIMA is sharing herewith a letter, vide Letter No. C-I/Misc./2020-21/Vol.I/112, dated 15/05/2021, issued by Employees' Provident Fund Organization, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Gov
Recent News and Updates by GSTN Team on the GST Portal.
Saturday, May 15, 2021|
Dear all, Your association SIMA is sharing herewith the important news / updates by GSTN Team on the GST Portal recently, regarding the Extension of the due date of filing Revocation application of Cancellation, update
Appeal to Industries for donation, for the repairing of Crematorium, Silvassa.
Friday, May 14, 2021|
Dear all, Silvassa Industries and Manufacturers Association (SIMA) and other constituents associations of Federation of Industries Associations (FIA) had appealed to our industrial friends, for their generous contributi
D.O. Letter by the Department, about the revisited interval between two doses of COVID-19 vaccine.
Friday, May 14, 2021|
Dear all, Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith a D.O. Letter NO. 1940407/2020/Imm, dated 13/05/2021, issued by the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Ministry of Health and Family