Non-Renewal of Pollution Control Committe Consent

Non-Renewal of Pollution Control Committe Consent
Saturday, July 30, 2016
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Dear all,

We regret to inform you that, recently PCC has issued closure notices to several industries under the pretext of running the unit without proper valid consent. On the closure, our colleagues approached Associations, and to find out the way out, representative of  Federation meat Honl. Chairman and Member Secretary Pollution Control Committee, and represented to give some more time to our fellow members to enable them apply for either apply for consent to operate or get their consent renewed timely.

In this regard, SIMA would like to daw  your kind attention to earlier mail of SIMA dated 25th February 2016 whereby it was requested to all fellow industries to obtain/apply for valid Consent from PCC at the earliest. The copy of said circular dated 25th February 2016 of SIMA is annexed herewith.  In spite of appeal from SIMA, very few industries took the lead and applied for valid consent. And ultimately the  PCC now has issued closure notice and has directed DNHPDCL to  disconnect the  power of the such  industries who have failed to obtain valid Consent.

We know that, to run any industrial undertaking , a valid consent to operate of PCC is required and we are duty bound to comply the provision of Law to avoid unpleasant action by PCC.

So, your association SIMA, hereby once again appeal to all fellow industries, to apply/obtain the valid Consent from Pollution Control Committee to avoid any unpleasant action by PCC. We are pleased to inform you that, Hon'ble Chairman and Member Secretary of PCC have assured to representative of Federation that, they shall extend their cooperation to the industries by issuing the valid Consent at the earliest.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi


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News/Circular alert from WWW.SIMADNH.ORG, official portal of Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association.

Non renewal of PCC Consent (Click to view full news)

Dear Industrial Colleagues,

Your association is in receipt of a letter from Member Secretary, Pollution Control Committee, DD & DNH, bearing letter No. PCC/DDD/Non consent/14-15  /1297, Dated -16/02/16. The scanned copy of the letter is enclosed herewith for your information.

Vide the said letter Member Secretary Pollution Control Committee, DD & DNH has informed that, many industrial units in the territory are operating without a valid consent from PCC. As you know the industrial units cannot  be operated without valid consent from PCC, which is the statutory requirements under the provisions of the Water Act and the Air Act...… Read Full News/Circular

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Thanking you,

With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association (SIMA),
Office No. 8, Danudyog Shopping Center,
Opposite Hirvavan Garden,
Piparia, Silvassa, (U.T. of Dadra & Nagar Haveli)
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